What are the functions and benefits of iPad?

Apple has released a series of iPad 3, the latest is the New iPad already comes with dual camera and of course the Retina display. One that often create confusion is what exactly the benefits and functions of the iPad? Can the iPad replace a Netbook or Laptop? Here are some tips, before you buy an iPad.

iPad can not replace the function of the laptop! It is clear that the presence of the iPad is not to replace the laptop as a whole. iPad is intended as a complement or support the laptop, so if you are confused to choose the iPad or a laptop? Then of course, you need to remember that the iPad can not replace the role of laptops in daily activities, especially in making reports, presentations or editing photos and film.

The presence of the iPad is more directed to the side of entertainment or amusement, if you just need a gadget to play games, listen to music, watch films, facebookan, ngtweet on Twitter, surf, surf youtube video to write a diary or schedule of daily activities, then an iPad can meet it all.

iPadiPad is very comfortable and cool to wear to play games, especially games iPad now supports retina display (HD) so the graph is very smooth and is equally fantastic with PC games, in addition to the games for the iPad is also available hundreds or even thousands of games that ready for download in the App Store, either free or paid games.

To surf, access to Twitter, Facebook to YouTube Videos on iPad is very convenient, especially if supported by a super-fast connection, then surf on the iPad will keep us hooked. In addition, the iPad also we can check email, send email, or backup data to Cloud Computing like to iCloud or DropBox.

On the iPad we are able to edit the photo and film, but still in the editing process simple alias is not as complicated as in the PC. So if you're used to edit photos in Photoshop, or if you frequently edit the film in Adobe Premiere Elements, then the iPad will not be able to meet the needs of the Image and Video Editing.

Likewise when you create reports, papers or presentations. On the iPad it we can make it all, but on the iPad office apps still appear simple alias menus are limited, different if you make a paper using Office Word 2010, or creating a presentation using PowerPoint on a laptop, then the menus in the program on a laptop is much more complete and more powerful than similar apps on the iPad. 
all iPad

In conclusion: the iPad can not replace the role and function of the overall laptop, the iPad comes as a complement of the Laptop. If it only takes a mere gadget for entertainment or entertainment needs then the iPad could be the right choice.

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